Announcement of show postponement
Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Partners,
鉴于当前全国及广东省内疫情防控形势仍严峻复杂,深圳目前暂时无法举办展览会。为了配合当地政府相关防疫措施,考虑到深圳可以再次举办展览会的时间上的不确定性,LogiMAT China 2022 不得不再次延期。经收集多方反馈意见,为最大程度保障参展参会等人员的身体健康与展会效果,我们艰难决定并遗憾宣布:
In view of the complicated situation of pandemic prevention and control in the country and Guangdong Province, currently no exhibitions are allowed to take place in Shenzhen. In accordance with the government’s local requirements and the uncertainty when government approvals for exhibitions will be given again, LogiMAT China 2022 have to be postponed in order to protect the health and safety of all show participants. In order to deliver a well organized exhibition to participants, we have made a difficult decision and regret to announce:
将原定于2022年12月27日-30日举办的 LogiMAT 2022 及同期会议活动延至 2023年6月14日-16日,地点为上海新国际博览中心。
LogiMAT China 2022, which was planned on 27-30 December 2022 will be postponed to 14-16 June 2023. The venue will be: Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by postponing. Please accordingly change your schedule, shipping arrangements .etc. Should you need any assistance, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much for your understanding and support.
欢迎您继续关注 LogiMAT China 2023,期待与您再次相会!
We do lookforward to seeing you in LogiMAT China 2023!
LogiMAT China 2022 主办方
LogiMAT China Organizers
2022 年 12 月 2 日