
作者:亚洲动力传动展PTC 发布时间:2022-10-13
原定于2022年11月1-4日举办的2022亚洲国际动力传动与控制技术展览会(PTC ASIA 2022)及其同期论坛、活动延期至2022年11月25-28日举行,举办地点不变,仍为上海新国际博览中心(龙阳路2345号)。



尽管当前的新冠疫情防控工作已取得了阶段性成果,但防疫工作仍旧不可放松。为认真贯彻落实好国务院联防联控工作部署精神,确保广大展商和客户的身体健康,同时力争将参展的利益最大化,我们经过与相关部门慎重、积极的沟通,并充分听取各方意见后,决定将原定于2022年11月1-4日举办的2022亚洲国际动力传动与控制技术展览会(PTC ASIA 2022)及其同期论坛、活动延期至2022年11月25-28日举行,举办地点不变,仍为上海新国际博览中心(龙阳路2345号)。后续我们仍将与相关部门保持持续沟通与协商,保障新展期的各项工作妥善进行。

亚洲国际动力传动与控制技术展览会(PTC ASIA 2022)已经走过了30个年头,在这30年从无到有,从小到大,从大到强的发展历程中,任何一位参展商、观众、合作伙伴和媒体朋友的支持都是不可或缺、举足轻重的,是大家的共同努力,造就了这一亚洲范围内动力传动与控制技术行业标志性的展会平台。因此,确保展会能达到预期的质量和效果是我们工作的重中之重。

展会的延期为大家带来了诸多不便,对此我们深表歉意,但我们深信,延期后的PTC ASIA 2022将为所有人带来更好的体验和最大的收获。在展会延期期间,我们也将投入更多时间和精力到展会的各项服务工作中,积极协助参展企业、观众、合作方和媒体安排好后续相关工作,迎接展会的到来。

再次感谢每一位朋友对于PTC ASIA一直以来的支持与厚爱,期待2022年的再聚首,期待久违的重逢碰撞出更夺目的火花。





The Notice of Postponement for PTC ASIA 2022

Dear exhibitors, visitors, partners and friends from the press,

The preparedness and prevention against the COVID pandemic should not be relaxed in spite of achievements recorded so far. Following the decisions made by the State Council on joint prevention and control of the pandemic and for the interest of physical health of exhibitors and clients, we’ve decided to postpone PTC ASIA 2022, which is previously scheduled for November 1-4, 2022, together with its concurrent events, to November 25-28, 2022, with the location of Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC, No. 2345 of Longyang Road) unchanged. This is a decision based on prudent consideration active and communication with relevant authorities as well as opinions from a wide range of stakeholders so as to maximize the interests of exhibitors. We’ll keep in close contact with relevant authorities for the smooth preparation and proper organization of this event.

Since its inception thirty years ago, PTC ASIA has become a leading exhibition for power transmission and control technologies in Asia thanks to the great efforts and support from exhibitors, visitor, partners and friends from the press. Therefore, it is our priority to ensure the realization of expected results for this fair.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this postponement. However, we are convinced that a greater harvest and better experience will come out of this postponement as we will devote more time and energy in providing services of higher quality and actively assist exhibitors, visitors, partners and media to make follow-up arrangements, ready for the fair to kick off.

We’d like to thank every friend for their commitment to PTC ASIA and look forward to a long-waited reunion in 2022 with more dazzling sparks.


October 10, 2022



文章来源、图片来源:亚洲动力传动展PTC  转载平台:亚洲动力传动展PTC公众号

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  • 电话:010-63326090-92
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